Shells and T.V...

Shells in my house as a sign of my journey...

If you just caught a glimpse of me on the news tonight...(Here is the link if you missed it;


Welcome! The story is true, crazy, I'm well aware, but true.

I suffer from Severe Cold Urticaria.

But you are lets get to the getting...

Why and what is a Pilgrimage Gal.....

Let's start with the name Pilgrimage Gal, well it was a collaboration with my delicious Clive Owen look alike, Jeffrey.  I came up with Pilgrimage Girl.... He thought girl sounded too young.  I went to bed and woke up to an empty blog page called Pilgrimage Gal.  And that Friends is the name.

And what is it? Q

uite simply, It's a journey, my journey...and I share my life, struggles, and daily foolishness. It was supposed to be a record for my young children, a real time document that they would read as adults explaining about their Mom's health. 

I have always-been interested in people who take long pilgrimages come back with all kinds of wonderful, spiritual, life and personal revelations.... I have always wanted to hike "the Way" in Spain like St. James, so my writings are my spiritual reflections on this journey....

So my Pilgrimage is me on my Green Couch, not in Spain, and that's my story... Well kinda of.... You see..

A funny thing happened, other people started reading, commenting and these were folks I had never met.... but they were on this journey, too!  

I have never personally met many of my fellow travelers  Other travelers carrying their own sea shells.  But when, I use my voice, share my struggles, others have found comfort. And this is the gift of a pilgrim, the Spirit, whatever that is for you, works through us all....

So you ask what is this sea shell thing?

When you follow the path in Spain, pilgrims carry, or would wear shells as a symbol of their journey.  The shell on door posts, meant lodging was available. You also would use the shell as drinking cup or plate on your trip. So I keep smaller and larger shells throughout my home as a reminder of this journey. I might not be going far.... But don't be fooled, this is a journey none the less epic...

So that is my little update, explanation, on where things are today...

But, if you are really interested, in me or my story, click on the web version and check out the most popular post marked on the side. They are also some of my most informative....and a way to just dive into life here....

I leave you with the words of Mother Teresa.....

"We can do no great things.... Only small things, with great love."

May your little efforts today be filled with grace and love....

Thank you for joining me on this leg of the pilgrimage.....pick up a shell and join me, or if you have time, send me a photo of your shell.

      - Pilgrimagegal