Tuesday Tip Number One...

So my first ever Tuesday Tip:

My goal for the Tuesday tip, is to give you a little nugget from my Lemonade stand of Life, where I make beautiful lemonade out of the lemons that come my way!  These are soul recharging and mental health tips that make it possible to tolerating the intolerable. 

Hopefully, a little gem that makes living better and keeps a smile on your face. 

So here we go: 

My first tip came to me when I was on bed-rest during both pregnancies, and I have continued to use it often. My Mom instilled this tip, and frankly it has been a meaningful one. 

I have beautiful pajamas, slippers and bathrobes. My sheets are lovely, and my bedding pretty. They make the days you are forced to be in bed just a little easier. Just because you are in bed feeling miserable doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be surrounded by things you love. AND none of it need be expensive. 

I have zillions of slippers, robes and pajamas from Target.  I also have been given some expensive ones too, but my favorites all have one thing in common, they have to be soft, comfortable and beautiful. ALL of the linens on my bed came from off-price retailers, I never paid full price, and many were a steal. I also spray my sheets with lavender water, so my sheets and linens smell fresh and beautiful, another little tip to make your bed your “re-charge docking station.”

The idea of look good, feel good is true. So today is the day. White sales are abundant, winter  PJ’s are on clearance, this is the time to stock-up. Buy two pairs of PJ’s, and a clearance pair of slippers. Grab a throw blanket on sale. These small purchases, make a huge difference to your mental health when you are not feeling your best.

And frankly they feel awesome on a snowy winter day when you are feeling great, reading a book! 

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 photo credit: tsmall via photopin cc