New Year Retreat...

How can it be that we are already into 2014 and I feel a little behind. Eeek. I have so missed writing these little stories of life on the Pilgrimage; but living has been keeping me on my toes! It is a testament to my life.  I’m struggling to keep my footing.  The Holy Days of December and early January are beautiful and busy, busy. My family is fine, fighting stomach bugs, and colds, but well.

I pray in your world the same is true. 

But, to be honest, with the holidays behind us it is time to be real--they take a toll, I don’t know about you, but I find myself exhausted and dare I say a wee bit weary. January brings the birthday of a very important Irish Princess who turns 8. So no sooner do we say, “so long farewell” to the trio of Wise Men; we say hello to the birthday girl! 

So, I find it impossible this year to join the throngs of others; with their shiny new New Year’s TO-DO lists. The LIST of accomplishments that we need to do. To feel purposeful.  I have them too; O’ Lord how I have that list.  But tell me, how can we start the year off with a LIST, only to know that we are doomed for failure at the first missed day at the gym, first taste of chocolate or missed day of yoga?  I’m exhausted. So tell me why should we start off this New Year at such a deficit? 

My number one job for January, is to restore. 

This year I have decided to do something a little different. This year I’m going to delay the To-Do List. 

Instead, I will take the time to restore this mind, this body and this spirit. With warm soup and long days in comfy clothes, I will try out every pair of new slippers given as gifts. A huge thank you to my loves for that!

I will indulge in the candles and books that were gifts and nibble on the last treats. I will love myself into the end of the month and then begin my latest trek on the Pilgrimage.

I have decided to go on Retreat. 

Retreat to me is an opportunity of rebirth. As Catholics we love a good retreat. Religious go at least once a year, you go to beautiful, quiet surroundings and you connect with yourself and God. In some ways, it is the equivalent to a professor on sabbatical. Except it is only for a month, week or day or even a few stolen moments. A time where the outside world is shut-off and you focus on your internal life.  

Some may see it as narcissistic, but for me it’s survival, I need to slow down this outside world and re-boot.  But, my retreat is going to be all year. No, I’m not leaving this world, I will still drive carpool and make dinner. But, with a new focus. 

I will use my new favorite expression, “I would love to say yes, but I have to say no.”  It will become my mantra and everyone will tire of hearing it. But, say it I will.

So my goals of my Retreat are simple: 

Four steps, and if obligations arrive that don’t fit into these goals, well “I would love to say yes, but...”

1. Regain my Spiritual focus: through prayer, reading and relationships.  

2. Find religious and education opportunities for my children and family.

3. Work on my physical health through gentle movement, compassionate eating and forgiveness.

4. Detail my journey through PilgrimageGal.

To be completely honest, I don’t even know what theses goals mean yet, it is what feels real; has come to me in prayer and reflection. Maybe that is what I’m mean to discover this year. After all, that is the focus of a good retreat, to not necessarily find all the answers, but to be willing to do the work, and perhaps discover what the right questions should be. 

That’s what this Pilgrimage has been all along.

 So lace up the walking shoes, the journey is about to begin again anew. 

I feel forever blessed and humbled to be on this journey, to walk with so many loving guides, to learn from so many teachers and to be able to share this Pilgrimage with you. 

The Divine in me bows to the Divine in you. 



Sooooooo, some things to tell you about. I'm giddy! Perhaps it's the green tea!

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